Ranked among reckoned charities in Brisbane, we are a fast-growing organising that was established in 2016 by three engineers passionate about reducing electronic waste and helping people. The idea to start the charity was always present in the minds of our founders but after the accreditation of the MobileMuster recycling program in 2014 by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, they got the push to establish the organisation. Today, we have helped thousands of people across Brisbane by repurposing used phones and generating funds from them.
Since our incorporation we have hosted various fund raisers, gotten generous donations, and contributed to lowering electronic waste. If you are interested in knowing more about us, please feel free to get in touch with us during business hours.
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Mobile4Charity is a renowned organisation that has helped thousands of people in Brisbane by selling repaired and recycled mobile phones. We collect the devices from verified donors who produce recipes and can confirm they bought the phones ethically.
We are Reliable
Besides helping people get food, medicines, and other things, our charity does good work by reducing electronic waste. Mobile phones that are not recycled often end up in landfill which is not for the environment. We help prevent it from happening.
We Reduce E-Waste
With the help of our team members and volunteers, we are able to document each device we receive via mail or collect. Additionally, we have a network of volunteers that enables us to get repairable phones from any part of the country.
We have a Smooth Network
One of the prime reasons why we are able to successfully run our charity is because we have an excellent staff with administrators, engineers, sales executives, and more. Our team helps us keep serving people in need every single day.
Our Team Members Know What They Do
Total Donations
Campaigns Closed
Happy People
With over 15 years of experience as an engineer in Information Technology field, Jennie is a passionate techie.
David is an engineer with over 11 years of experience who specialises in mobile communication technology.
John is a dynamic engineer with 14 years of experience and he is the one to come up with idea of starting the charity.